Investigative Gumption

Robert Heaton wrote recently and excellently on the importance of gumption in programming here

This post really chimed with some problems I’ve recently experienced while debugging unfamiliar code. It became clear to me that it was a skill I’ve neglected.

Stop asking for help

The primary manifestation of the problem was asking for help too soon. Plenty of other coders were more familiar with the area in which the problem occurred – why not ask them for help? Well:

  • Being shown the answer doesn’t give you the same level of understanding as finding out for yourself
  • Never working through to a conclusion will atrophy your investigative skills
  • Finding the root cause without assistance feels great
  • Exhausting this particular skill in other nearby, better programmers will cause them to leave

…and who will you ask for help then, when you’re actually stuck?

Symptoms and a diagnosis

Caveats: These are only the ones I noticed. There may be more. Yours may be different.

  • Feeling incredulous that the software could misbehave in such a way
  • Spreading that incredulity to others through subjective retelling of problem
  • Frustration at lack of ability to come up with a working theory of how the failure could occur

These are really three symptoms of a quieter underlying cause: fatigue. I’d exhausted my initial search tree of potential theories and I was out of gas. I’d run out of gumption.


I’m making a conscious effort to try to get better at this, and I feel like I’ve been making progress. I don’t think I’ve increased in gumption, but perhaps I have increased my gumption efficiency. Here are some directions that I’ve attempted to follow:

  • Fight that feeling of incredulity. Software is (usually) deterministic. Cosmic rays are not the culprit.
  • Using the debugger is not a personal failure (this isn’t the TDD game!). Reproduce the problem with a debugger attached as soon as possible; it’ll often invalidate the wrong assumption that’s been getting in the way of your understanding.
  • If you can’t reproduce the problem, check your environment. Still can’t reproduce it? Check it again. Is it really the same as where the problem happened? Really really?
  • Trust your instincts – one investigation I failed to finish ended up being a ThreadLocal misunderstanding. I’d seen the usage of ThreadLocal hours earlier, winced, and then forgot about it because I was trying to be a good scientist. The brain is good at remembering causes of past pain, trust it when it reacts negatively.
  • Know your limits. I can get a temporary gumption boost from a Snickers or those terrific peanut butter KitKats. Once that’s worn off, it’s time to stop. Either seek help, or go home and sleep on it.

Corollary : Making systems that are easy to debug lowers the fixed gumption tax incurred when an investigation is required. Once you discover the cause of a knotty issue and want to begin a fix, first spend some time unravelling any unnecessary complexity you found on your way there.

Hopefully the gumption invested in this blogpost will help others to more efficiently expend their gumption (That’s enough gumption – Ed).